Please ensure that you put your child’s name in all clothes as this makes it much easier to reunite missing clothes with their owners!
Boys – white shirt or polo shirt, or blue Westlands branded polo. Grey trousers (shorts can be worn in the summer term). Blue Westlands jumper.
Girls – white shirt or polo shirt, or blue Westlands branded polo. Grey trousers (not leggings) or skirt. Blue Westlands jumper or cardigan. Blue checked summer dresses or playsuits may be worn in the summer term.
All children – shoes should be practical, clean and black (no trainers). Suitable flat sandals may be worn in the summer. Ties are not compulsory for the uniform, but we do ask all children to have one, and they may be asked to wear them for certain events. Please ensure your child has an appropriate coat for outdoor playtime.
PE Kit – children should come into school wearing their PE kit on the appropriate day (this will be communicated to parents at the start of the year). The children should wear navy or black shorts and a blue tshirt, with trainers suitable for outdoor wear. We also ask that children have a pair of pumps available in school for indoor activities (please label these with your child’s name). They are also welcome to wear tracksuits in the colder months. Westlands branded tracksuits are available but not compulsory, although we do ask that tracksuits are plain navy or black.
For safety reasons the wearing of jewellery of any sort is discouraged in school, and children cannot participate in swimming or PE lessons whilst wearing earrings. Plain stud earrings are acceptable in school generally, but if the children cannot take their earrings out themselves, they should not wear earrings on PE days.
Westlands Primary Uniform Policy
Uniform is available from Smart School Uniform and Clive Mark.