Many of our learning activities during this term have centered around our topics: Birthdays and Celebrations / Bears. The children have been busy writing party lists, recipes and invitations to celebrate Old Bear’s Birthday (our class bear) and invited their own teddy bear along to the party!
Children also found out how the Chinese New Year festival is celebrated and enjoyed looking for signs of Spring and Easter.
We have enjoyed sharing many stories about Bears, including ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’ which was followed by the children collecting and using materials to create a story map. We also participated in World Book Day by dressing in our favourite colours and going on a colour hunt around the school grounds, after listening to the story ‘The Day the Crayons Quit’.
During British Science Week 2023, we took on a challenge to work in small groups to design and make a boat to carry a message across the water to the next class. Well done to all children for great team work!
In Maths lessons, children have continued to deepen their understanding of number to 10, comparing quantities and beginning to recall number bonds to 10. Children have also explored with measuring – height, length and weight.
Children have particularly enjoyed learning colours and numbers in French and have made different coloured ‘tartelettes’.