Mathematics at Westlands


At Westlands Primary School, we aim to provide our pupils with a high quality mathematics education that equips them with key skills and conceptual understanding of mathematical concepts and develops their ability to communicate their mathematical reasoning and become critical thinkers.
We aim to:

  •  develop mathematical competency and skills and understanding across key concepts
  • develop fluent mathematicians who are confident and able to apply their mathematical knowledge to a variety of problems
  • develop pupils’ ability to reason about mathematical concepts and make connections within the mathematics programme of study, the whole school curriculum and between disciplines and the wider world
  • develop independent problem solvers who take risks in their learning and challenge themselves
  • foster an enjoyment of mathematics and create critical thinkers



The mathematics curriculum is structured into blocked units for each year group. Each unit builds upon learning from the previous year group and has been designed so that links between concepts can be made. Units are designed to focus on one specific area of the mathematics curriculum so that pupils have time to deepen their understanding as well as making connections across the different areas of learning. At Westlands we use Power Maths as a basis for of our teaching, however this is not exclusively used to deliver the 2014 National Curriculum. Teachers use their professional judgement and expertise to adapt or change lessons to meet the needs of the learners.


Children at Westlands perform well in maths compared to national standards; Pupil Voice Interview Sessions with Governors confirm that children enjoy their lessons.

Assessment is an integral part of teaching and learning and is a continuous process and is used to inform future planning and teaching. Teachers make assessments of children daily through:

  • regular marking of work
  • analysing errors and picking up on misconceptions
  • asking questions and listening to answer
  • facilitating and listening to discussions
  • making observations

Formal testing also takes place each term in each class. In Years 2 and 6 there may be additional formal testing in order to prepare children for their Statutory Attainment Tests.